It’s time to CULTIVATE U: to water YOUR dreams, to unearth YOUR gifts, and finally tend to YOUR relationships, weeds, and needs.

Is your garden-of-a-life over-planted, weed-filled, or parched? Are you covered up or just barely keeping up? Could your life, dreams, or relationships use some tending? Then you are in the right place.

Friend, YOU are the Master Gardener of Your Life, and I can’t wait to walk alongside you through this 6-Week Group Experience where we will dig deep and discover a garden-shed full of tools that will help you to CULTIVATE your best Well-Tended Life….for seasons to come.

  • Are you exhausted from watering everyone and everything else but you?
  • Are your gifts, dreams, & passions locked-up tighter than The Secret Garden?
  • Do you struggle with the weeds of worry, jealousy, busyness, or fear?
  • Would you like to see more Joy, Goodness & Growth in your life?
  • Are you fed up with your “set it and forget it” life and ready to dig deeper?

Then sign up today and LET’S GET TO WORK! 

“Where you TEND a rose…a thistle cannot grow.”  - THE SECRET GARDEN

At CULTIVATE U, you will learn that the diligent work of TENDING TO YOU is a key that can unlock dreams, unearth buried gifts, revive relationships, and help us to bloom into our truest selves.

This virtual group experience is for women who:

  • Answered YES to any of the questions above.

  • Are ready to put on their life-gardening gloves and begin cultivating their best Well-Tended Life.

  • Want to rediscover their path and purpose along side other women.

  • Want to live out this next season of life with more intention and fewer weeds.

In our sessions together, we will learn to:

  • See Your Life as a Garden: Weeds, Walls, Seeds & All

  • Visualize Your Blooming & Best Well-Tended Life

  • Know Your Season & Recognize When It Shifts

  • Decide What You Want to Grow & Prune

  • Plant I Believe Seeds and Grow Practically Anything

  • Identify & Manage Your Weeds

  • See Yourself as a Watering Can That Needs to Be Filled Up First

  • Spot Joy, Goodness and Seedlings of Growth in Your Daily Life

  • Fertilize Your Heart & Mind

  • Activate Growth with a Life-Tending Journal, which is by-far is the most important tool in my Life-Gardening Shed! It’s a growth chart, reflection diary, planting reminder, observation deck, and research notebook all rolled into one. When used daily, this journal practice is a life-gardening game changer, guaranteed to produce big, beautiful, purpose-filled blooms in any season.

The Dirt & Details

Here's some frequently asked questions about this Life-Tending Masterclass!

  • When and where are the sessions?

    When you enroll, you'll be asked to create an account in Thinkific, our online learning platform. The LIVE group sessions will take place there on Wednesday nights from 6-7:30pm CDT begining September 18th through October 23rd.

  • What's included?

    In addition to our six LIVE group sessions, you'll also receive access to all the recordings, a robust Cultivate U Workbook & Life-Gardening Guide which we will use as a roadmap and work through most of it together during each class session. PLUS…FREE access to a bonus session to be announced at a later date.

  • How much is the CULTIVATE U Masterclass?

    The investment for the Group Experience is $800 or $3,200 for the 1 on 1 Private Coaching Experience. Payment plans are available upon request.

  • I can't make a session, is that okay?

    While we don't want you to miss the magic that happens with a group learning experience, we know that sometimes storms blow in, exhaustion bugs invade and life just can just get in the way. All the course materials, along with the video recordings of the live sessions, will be in the course platform for you to work on when you can.

  • How long will I have access to the course?

    You'll have access to the course for one year.

  • What if I have a problem or have more questions?

    We're here to help! Drop us an email at [email protected] and we'll get back to you as soon as our life-gardening chores are done!

Pre-Registration is NOW OPEN for FALL 2024.

Class size is limited, so make sure to add your email to the Pre-Registration Mailing List below to receive the exclusive FIRST CHANCE to SIGN-UP link when it goes live in just a few weeks.

Thank You

Have more questions?

I'd love to invite you to watch our Live Q&A! Watch it here!

The Well-Tended Life Podcast

Have you heard my podcast? I've recorded a special episode to tell you a little more about Cultivate U, and why I can't wait to bring this first group of women together! Click here to listen! 

Hi, I'm Keri...

After tripping over my fair share of weeds and watering all the wrong things, I’m on a mission to share this garden shed full of tools, that when wielded properly, can help YOU(and me) grow through any season.

Keri Wilt

I'm a speaker, writer, and heart cultivator with a soul full of sunshine who’s on a mission to help you flourish. That’s because not long ago, I looked down and discovered that my life had become an over-planted mess that was choking out my relationships, creativity, and purpose. I was irritable, exhausted, and watering everything but myself. That’s when some soul-searching journal time and a late-night re-reading of my great-great-grandmother’s classic book The Secret Garden unearthed this Well-Tended Life Truth: That EVERY locked-up, weed-filled, withering life can bloom and grow again with the help of a little magic. Now I am not talking about the kind of magic that needs a wand and a trick top hat. I am talking about a dig in, make room, prune away, work on, water well, weed, and feed your soul kind of life-tending magic that I can’t wait to share with you.